We are Argos

Specialist in packaging and protection
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Smart and efficient packaging and protection done together

We invent, develop and produce innovative and environmentally friendly packaging and protective materials. Our product specialists can offer a suitable and professional solution for every packaging or protection challenge. We provide our customers with knowledge and information to help them make the right choice, tailored to their organisation and the market in which it operates. Argos is your total supplier for packaging and protective materials.











Watch our company video

Watch our company video to see how Argos stands out in the packaging industry by offering high-quality, innovative solutions for the food and pharmaceutical industries. Our focus on sustainability and collaboration with our customers allows us to meet their specific packaging needs.

Our industry

At Argos we offer a wide range of products and years of experience to all our customers. We provide a suitable packaging or protection solution for every industry in which we operate. We are active in the horticulture, agri, construction, retail and the food and non-food industries.

Sustainable packaging

Together, we want to become stronger and better at everything we do. At Argos, our goal is to provide the world with innovative and sustainable packaging together with our partners, suppliers and relations. We are more than just a supplier to our customers. In fact, we are a knowledge partner for our customers in the field of sustainable packaging. Our specialists are up to date on all market developments and can therefore easily fulfil customer needs.

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Your product specialist

Our product specialists can offer a suitable and professional solution for every packaging or protection challenge. We provide our customers with knowledge and information to help them make the right choice, tailored to their organisation and the market in which it operates. Argos is your total supplier for packaging and protective materials.

Aqua boxes

Protective materials

Strapping material



Conical bags & sleeves


New: Paddy Straw trays

03 februari 2025

Partnership Bio4pack & Argos Packaging with Paddy Straw With our long-term vision, we focus on sustainable and innovative packaging. To provide the fr...

Samenwerking Bio4Pack en Argos Packaging voor Paddy Straw-schalen

03 februari 2025

Argos Packaging is vanaf nu officieel partner van Bio4Pack en gaat hun Paddy Straw-schalen exclusief in Nederland verkopen. Patrick Gerritsen, directeur va...

Argofol SV-150: the new standard for roof and wall protection

07 januari 2025

Argos is proud to introduce the Argofol SV-150, a high-quality spider membrane designed for roofers and construction professionals.This advanced membrane c...

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