Sustainanble development goals

Global Goals: Transform the World by 2030

The United Nations established 17 goals in 2015 to transform the world into a more sustainable and just place before 2030. These goals are called the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals. 
The SDGs were developed as a joint effort of UN member states, civil society, the private sector, and other stakeholders. Each goal has specific sub-goals and indicators that can be used to measure progress. The SDGs are meant to serve as a framework for collaboration and partnerships among different actors to achieve the goals. 

The SDGs focus on important challenges such as poverty, hunger, health and well-being, education, gender equality, clean sanitation facilities, sustainable energy, economic growth, inequality, responsible consumption and production, climate change, and peace. Achieving these goals requires integrated action at all levels, from local to global, including resource mobilization and a favourable policy environment. 

Working together towards a sustainable and fair future 

The good news is that everyone can contribute to achieving these goals! Integration of the SDGs into policy and practice, and communication to different target groups is important to increase awareness and engagement. 

Bij Argos vinden we deze doelstellingen erg belangrijk en hebben we er een aantal opgenomen in ons beleid, waaronder verantwoorde consumptie en productie (12), klimaatactie (13), leven op het land (15) en partnerschap om doelstellingen te bereiken (17).. Deze doelstellingen zijn namelijk nauw met elkaar verbonden.  

Responsible consumption and production: 
Sustainable production and consumption, with more efficient use of raw materials, lowers pressure on the environment and reduces dependence on them.
Climate action: 
SDG 13 focuses on addressing man-made climate crisis. In 2015, the Paris Agreement was reached, which aims to reduce climate change and its adverse effects. The effects of climate change threaten people and nature.
Life on land: 
SDG 15 is about protection, restoration and sustainable management of life on land in all its forms. Protection and restoration of ecosystems and biodiversity can strengthen resilience to increasing population pressure, land use intensification and climate change.
Partnership to achieve goals:
International cooperation is needed to strengthen capacity and resources to implement the sustainable development agenda. Achieving the goals requires coherent policies, a cooperative environment and forging new global partnerships.

At Argos, we find these goals very important and have included some of them in our policies, including responsible consumption and production, climate action, and life on land. These goals are closely interconnected. Climate action aims to address the human-caused climate crisis, which poses a threat to humans and nature. Life on land is focused on protecting and restoring life on land, while responsible consumption and production focuses on more efficient use of resources and reducing pressure on the environment. 
At Argos, we strive to reduce our environmental impact.

We use sustainable resources, such as FSC-certified paper, monitor our CO2 emissions during transport, and produce sustainable products. By doing so, we contribute to more efficient use of resources and protecting and restoring life on land. We believe that we can achieve these goals by collaborating with partners. Together, we can transform the world into a more just and sustainable place for everyone. 

Not only can we as an organization contribute to achieving these goals, but you as an individual can also make a difference. By choosing more sustainable options when buying products, reducing your energy consumption, eating more sustainable food, supporting organizations that are dedicated to sustainability, and raising awareness of the SDGs, we can work together to transform the world into a more just and sustainable place for everyone.

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Miquel van den Ende